Tuesday, July 24, 2012

The Growth of European Offshore Wind Energy Seen as a Positive Boost for Eurozone Economy

In the article "European Offshore Wind Energy Continues to Grow by Leaps and Bounds"(http://www.enn.com/business/article/44705), the author David A. Gabel discusses the enormous growth of the continents Offshore Wind Energy during the first part of 2012. According to the article, the European Wind Energy Association, EWEA has reported that there are 132 new offshore wind turbines which provide an additional 523 megawatts of power. This is a 50 percent increase from the previous years 348.1 megawatts of power. The article discusses how this offshore wind energy has been positive for the Eurozone economy because it has attracted new investors, including pension funds and other "institutional and corporate investors". According to Christian Kjaer, the chief executive of the EWEA, the region of Southern Europe is in more need of investors and financial growth. The leader in the offshore wind Energy is The United Kingdom, having installed eight new mills, while Germany and Denmark follow having installed two. This article causes the reader to think about new technology such as offshore wind energy from an environmental perspective as well as a financial and economic perspective.

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