Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Back-To-Back La Niñas Cooled Globe and Influenced Extreme Weather in 2011

Back-To-Back La Niñas Cooled Globe and Influenced Extreme Weather in 2011

This article gives light to the many problems that have been going on with global climate changes. It summarizes the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's annual weather report and calls attention to how two consecutive La Nina weather patterns impacted global weather conditions. I think it is interesting to read this scientific report in comparison with watching media coverage on weather disasters like the Australian floods last year and my experience of the draught in Texas and the southern U.S. last summer. This article raises the question of whether or not these back to back La Ninas have been caused by global warming or other carbon-related environmental issues. Such research could be beneficial to questioning connections between weather patterns and global warming. 


  1. I see that for the most part the back-to-back La Ninas were not very good for the world, but at least Australia got some well needed rain! It surprised me to see that something that happens in one part of the pacific could have such an impact on the rest of the world.

  2. After watching Al Gore's frightening look at Global Warming in "An Inconvenient Truth," I did some wikipedia research on the matter. I came across these back to back La Ninas while doing so and it was astonishing to find how much information and what conclusions were drawn about seemingly unrelated events. It is still amazing to me how such invisible forces can have such a great impact on our weather and even more importantly, on our global ecosystem as well as
