Thursday, July 19, 2012

Increased Government Supremacy, Not a Solution for Energy Efficiency

Instead of finding solutions to solve our country's current energy crisis, agencies such as the Environmental Protection Agency and the Department of Energy are working towards instilling limits, stated more clearly here, on customer's purchasing options.  These new regulations, which will place a standard on a range of products from clothes dryers to certain models of cars, are supposed to help customers by choosing, for them, which products are most energy efficient.  Limiting the breadth of options that helps meet the range of financial and personal needs of all consumers will harm the consumers more than benefit them.  The minor difference these new restrictions would make in cutting down the harmful effects, of these non renewable sources, would not outweigh the economic and financial costs they would create.  Besides this uneconomical disadvantage, the consent of letting the Government play a larger role in interfering with individualized, personal choices only attributes to the possibility of less personal freedom and a more regulated Government in the future.  Rather than trying to limit consumer options by placing a restriction on which products are available,  these agencies should focus on providing more clean energy sources.  This will give the consumer the option to make this purchase if it is affordable, while keeping other alternatives available until more clean energy products are available that are more cost efficient, allowing for a more economically stable solution for all consumers.

1 comment:

  1. Though I agree that the government should not dictate every purchase I make, I disagree with you that they should not be able to impose regulations on appliances and other products which could, and should, be more efficient, but aren't. In the case of a washing machine, for instance, if the EPA decides to mandate a lower total energy usage per load of laundry, the price of that machine may go up slightly. But it would seem to me that the producers of these products, in order to sell them, would still have to price them competitively. Even if ALL products increased in cost because of these regulations, we would be saving money on electricity costs every month. We really don't have any more time to damage the environment more than is absolutely necessary, so I say let's put in stricter mandates today.

    Besides, maybe it's better that we don't all own washers/dryers.
