Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Problems with a proposed Alaskan copper and gold mine

The Anglo-American mining corporation and its Canadian partner Northern Dynasty want to create a gigantic open pit mine in Bristol Bay home of the worlds largest sockeye salmon hatchery. (http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/pages/frontline/environment/alaska-gold/treasure-hunt-the-battle-over-alaskas-mega-mine/) There has never been such a large mining project in such an environmentally risky region. The toxic waste from the mine could pollute the bay and completely destroy the ecosystem, but the raw materials would be worth up to $500 billion. 

The push for the mine comes against much opposition with many companies like Tiffany & Co. saying they wouldn't use gold from that mine in their products. On the other hand, many companies that make consumer electronic devices heavily use copper and gold in their circuitry. The battle for this mine could become another ANWR.

1 comment:

  1. I think it is really crazy that companies would push to mine there if the situation is really that dangerous to the surrounding ecosystem. I think Tiffany & Co. is taking a good stand on the case. Maybe in the future scientists can find a way to extract the gold without damaging the surrounding ecosystem, but until then I think they should look somewhere else for their materials. I is sad what some people are willing to sacrifice to make money.
