Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Salmon Conservation Areas Must be Widened

Salmon Conservation Areas Must be Widened

According to a new study, areas of salmon conservation should be expanded to streams that don't actually contain salmon, but whose waters run into salmon habitat. In other words, the entire watershed should be protected and not just the rivers where there are large salmon runs. This is because the various feeder streams have different characteristics which is necessary to keep options open for the salmon. For example, steeper, faster streams contribute colder water, and slower meandering streams contribute warmer water. Some salmon have adapted to reproduce better in one condition than another. A healthy mix of river inputs not only helps the salmon populations grow, but also helps their predators: gulls, bears, and other animals.
This finding was put forth in a report by researchers from the University of Washington (UW) led by professor Daniel Schindler and doctoral student Peter Lisi. They suggest that the great importance of having diverse stream inputs is that it creates multiple spawning times for salmon throughout the year. This allow predators more time to catch their meals.
They focused their research on the Wood River watershed in southwest Alaska. "In any one stream, salmon might spawn for two to four weeks," said Lisi. "Animals like coastal brown bears and Glaucus-winged gulls gorge themselves at one stream for a few weeks and then just move to another stream that might have water temperatures a few degrees warmer and therefore support salmon populations that spawn at a later time. It's easy for animals to move when such streams are as little as a mile or two apart."
The researchers call this attribute of a network of streams, "hydrological diversity". Such an attribute more than triples the time predators have access to salmon during summer from just a few weeks to more than three months.
The implications of this finding have the potential of completely altering current conservation plans. Normally, conservation officials try to focus on which individual streams and rivers to protect to keep a healthy salmon population. According to the study, the entire watershed would need to be protected in order to maintain hydrological diversity.
The research study will be presented at the Ecological Society of America's annual meeting in Portland, Oregon on August 8th. It will be part of a session on linkages between aquatic and terrestrial systems.
For example, a healthy salmon population not only helps its predators but is also linked to the pollination of plants on the watershed such as the kneeling angelica. This 3-6 foot plant is pollinated by the bowfly which rely on the carcasses of salmon to lay their eggs. Having more salmon carcasses throughout a longer portion of the year gives the bowfly a population boom. After emerging from the carcass, they pollinate the kneeling angelica before breeding again.
For more information:

Very few people cared when the Native Americans said the salmon were sacred and were to be cherished. Now, people are still trying to maintain a healthy salmon population in Oregon, Washington, and Alaska because a healthy salmon population helps many other species. What are a ways " hydrological  diversity" can be maintained? Why do you think it is more important to people o now than it was then? 


  1. I found this article interesting. I had never given much thought to the fact that rivers and streams that do not contain salmon still need to be preserved, in order to protect rivers that have salmon population. I also found it interesting that healthy salmon population have such a positive effect on the surrounding ecosystem. It will be difficult if not impossible to preserve an entire watershed area. On the other hand without the preservation of the watershed, salmon populations will decline. Declining salmon populations would have negative effects that reach out into the entire ecosystem. I think more people are paying attention to this issue now, and hopefully something will get done.

  2. I don't think this is much of a surprise, but it's good to see an actual study addressing the fact that all sorts of ecosystems need to be protected when we want to protect a particular one. It's no different, in my opinion, than paying attention to the types of fertilizers used by farmers in the midwest in order to protect the organisms native to the Gulf of Mexico. All ecosystems rely on these sorts of inputs from a diverse range of other regions.

  3. I think that, as sad as it sounds, there are more people that care about salmon than Native Americans, or at least more than Native Americans when they were most outspoken about their affinity to salmon. Native Americans have only recently been compensated for the years they have been discriminated against, but they are still not a well represented group of people politically speaking. Also in recent years, it seems that there is a greater focus on the environment, and we are collectively becoming a environmentally friendly country than in the past.

  4. My honest thoughts about this subject vary. Yes, it is sad to dwindle a population of fish that mean so much to a surrounding community. I also believe in the favor of the surrounding majority, and in this case I feel that the correct option is to decide for the best interest in the surrounding community, whether that be for the survival of the fish or the keeping of the dam. I cannot say that I have had my environmental views shifted at all while taking the class and I do believe in the saving of the environment, but people make decisions every day and will never know the long term effects of these decisions just like the dam builders who created this structure. It's good to see a hint being taken towards these fish though.
