Friday, August 10, 2012

Place Post: Dottie Jordan Park

Dottie Jordan Park is located at 2803 Loyola Lane. I just moved across the street from it and spent my weekend there. It is a beautiful neighborhood park which has two tennis courts, two basketball courts, three barbeque pits a covered picnic area, an a swimming pool. The space also provides an almost half mile long trail for anyone who wishes to take a walk among nature. The park is eleven acres in size and is a fantastic area for families to visit. It also seems to be a wonderful spot for outdoor recreation for the residents of the neighborhood. Everyday there is an abundance of children at the park playing basketball, swimming, or playing on the play structure. The community surrounding the park is of a wonderful predominately black community and the park serves the community well in that it offers the opportunity for the residents to connect with nature and gives the neighborhood children a place to play and stay active. My time at the park afforded me the opportunity to make some neighborhood friends and to appreciate the community in which I am now lucky enough to be a part of. I recommend Dottie Jordan Park to anyone who is looking for a nice place to experience nature without having to pay a nominal fee for entry or parking.

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